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Ivo Peksens

Somewhere around mid 90s of the last century, Ivo felt an attraction to computers. It continued at university where he found himself consciously studying not how to program, but how computers work. As knowledge emerged, he soon realized that always a combined (computer hardware and software) performance is what impacts the end user experience.

Related jobs followed and when he moved into a domain where it was about software development using computers rather than supporting computer users, he soon realized that success is not only determined by how good one is at programming, but also what interaction is like with the other people. It’s always both – technology and psychology.

​After years he got a book called “Finding Your Element” by K.Robinson after he had seen some of Ken's TED talks. It’s a practical book. While reading it and doing exercises, Ivo soon realized that he is ‘in his element’ when he, put simply, facilitates other people. He suddenly was able to give a common denominator to the most of his professional past. But mainly it gave him clarity of what he wants to do further.

​Since all the time he was around computers that’s where he went on. He started a steep journey towards becoming better at facilitating others, learning and practicing coaching. He started to pay attention to working together, he started to value how rewarding it is to see others succeed in what they are doing together and how important that actually is to the everybody involved. Believe it or not, but soon he became a Scrum Master as that was the perfect fit to what he wanted to do. Although today he is practicing as an Agile Coach also beyond IT, becoming a Scrum Master was a new turning point...

Below is a video answer from Lyssa Adkins to my question as a starting Scrum Master:

Below is my speech "What is a Scrum Master?" at Agile Day Riga 2015:

And below another one in an Agile Coach role about "Balanced organization" at ICEBREAKERS'21:

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