Helping diverse leaders
improve group & team
leadership with
better facilitation
Conversations, meetings, workshops, events, ...
#realsituations #realsupport
Group leadership with better facilitation?
I am not a superman, but I am trying to be better...
We have challenges with simply speaking GOOD MEETINGS in workplaces & organizations. No? Think again - MEETINGS that are GOOD. The ones that are well prepared, handled and followed-up. Where purpose is clear, all people voices are heard, everyone is involved, collaborating, hidden group potential is used,
people get inspired and most importantly...
want more of these kinds of meetings!
Well, I did have challenges with the above, but now it's better. Really better.
I remember one of my first, real meetings back in 2005:
I was the driver, talker, asker, most people were silent, some stared
at laptops, I raised my voice, nothing useful happened, next meeting came, people left,
I felt...curious actually - why was that so?
The problem was me.
Or put better - group leadership or leadership in front of a group:
I was too much focused on myself & my goals.
Simple as that. Boom!
Improved group leadership means that from the moment
I consider inviting others into a room or zoom,
and expect others to collaborate well,
I must think & act like a host. Every time.
A good host takes care of a number of things like
prepares (there's so much actually),
is present present (yes it is two times) when meeting happens
and serves people after when they are gone (easiest part).
Facilitation has helped me be a better host over the years.
What is Facilitation?
Is the host's responsibility (duty) & a leadership skill at the same time.
A duty is what a host does before, during and after the meeting.
As leadership skill it is what a host is or how a host does:
intention, behavior, tone of voice, body language, ...
But most importantly - facilitation is a combo-skill of:
neutrality & true belief in a power of a group
therefore facilitation is not only a single meeting thing,
but rather people engagement, satisfaction &
collaboration booster in a longer run.
I have found facilitation as my passion, devoted years of learning and practicing it as a Leader, Scrum Master, Agile & Team Coach and a Facilitator for other leaders.
​​I am on a mission to help more diverse leaders with facilitation.
This is why this facilitation mentoring & consulting service has emerged.
It's a practical, hands-on service where we work shoulder to shoulder
in a high trust, confidential environment
to boost your facilitation super-power!
no need to become a super-man, just a bit better :)
Let's have a better world of work with group leadership with better facilitation!