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facilitatioN services

On-site and remote
1 - Facilitation mentoring & consulting

Facilitation mentoring & consulting is a various group & team occasion (conversation, meeting, workshop, event, ...) leadership improvement with better facilitation help service.

It works by me and you getting together in focused, practical, hands-on one on one sessions or a set of sessions on site or via video calls. During these sessions I can help you:


  • Reflect about your recent facilitation experience
    (single session aka S - Small)

  • Prepare for future facilitation experiences
    a package of sessions aka M - Medium)

  • Prepare for co-facilitation with me
    (a package of sessions aka L - Large)


All of the above happens in a high trust, confidential and structured manner. Imagine it as a process where we analyze or design your facilitation experience in a slow motion (slow thinking) manner using a structured approach. It is my own visual facilitation stages structure (method if you like) namely BE.SLOW.ER that helps better prepare, run and follow-up various group & team occasions.
It is based on my own experience, practice and knowledge obtained over many years. BE.SLOW.ER supports the facilitation mentoring & consulting process by making it transparent, clear and effective.


Book free call

(Learn more about your needs & above service offering)​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​

2 - Facilitation renting

If you do not want to improve your group occasion leadership skills or you are over-loaded and do not have time to facilitate all your groups/teams, you can rent me (aka XL package) and I can help you by facilitating for you where you do not have capacity to do so, book free call to learn more.

FAQ: What sessions & formats can you help with?

This service is highly customer centric. Therefore it is good to start with a free call to understand your needs better so you can receive the best service.

In many cases, we will end up with a bend of various sessions & formats together. Below is a non exhaustive list of more or less standard sessions & formats that I can help you with:

  • Different kinds of alignment & vision creation sessions (like shared understanding, company, team, product visions)

  • Different goals & outcomes setting sessions (like SMART, OKRs)

  • Different kinds of mappings (like road, story, impact)

  • Different kinds of plannings (like yearly, quarterly, big room, small room, daily)

  • Different kinds of agreements (like working agreements, team norms/rules)

  • Different kinds of post mortems, reflections, retrospectives

  • Team/project/program kick-off/lift-off events

  • Townhalls, all-hands, conferences, events, meetups

  • Brainstorming, ideation, problem solving, decision making

  • Lean Coffee, World Cafe, Open Space, some Liberating structures

  • Different human constellations in space

  • Learning sessions with high people involvement like Training From The Back of The Room


As mentioned - above is to give you a feeling of what's generally possible. Do not limit yourself with above, book free call to discuss your specific needs to have a support with a custom solution.

FAQ: In what industries can you help with facilitation?

Facilitation is industry agnostic super power. You can use it anywhere where people work in groups and teams and I can help you do facilitation better.

FAQ: What is your experience with facilitation?

I have been facilitating since 2005 in different roles starting from small groups (<10) and up to large groups (>300). Scroll feedback page for more information.​

FAQ: What is your qualification regarding facilitation?
  • ​A lot of self-driven learning from world's top facilitators via their books of wisdom.

  • Being mentored in facilitation by others during years of Scrum Mastering and Agile Coaching work.

  • Being validated in facilitation competence during my Certified Agile Coach (CAC) - Certified Team Coach (CTC) program.

  • I am a Certified Agile Facilitator (CAF) from Scrum Alliance.

  • Read more about my qualification.

FAQ: What is facilitation, afterall?

I already started explaining it on the front page, but continuing here I would like to explain facilitation with what it helps to have:

  • you are calmer, more confident leader

  • you as a leader are more valued & better rated

  • group & team occasions are much better prepared

  • group & team occasions have clear(er) outcomes

  • group & team occasions are better handled in a real-time:

    • participants are included, valued, inspired, motivated, engaged

    • above goes beyond a single event (it improves leadership)

  • group & team occasions are shorter & people want them​


Facilitation's "official" definition has variants yet common part is that facilitation is a "group process leadership". If you'd like to learn more, please visit this IAF's page.


It is important to emphasize that while different tools & techniques need to be known & mastered, even more important is the self-mastery skill. Which is a leadership skill at its core - how do you master yourself when with a group of people?


​​For me facilitation is catalyzation of a group's dynamics so that it ends up being open, safe, positive and productive that leverage's maximum group's potential in the context. A potential that cannot be accessed and used by the group itself. It is not just support in a single session or meeting, but rather a longer term investment into group's or team's growth.​

FAQ: When facilitation and this service are not appropriate?


  • ​you think there is no room for growth of your group & team leadership

  • you think that renting me as a facilitator will solve your leadership/management challenge (renting me IS NOT outsourcing your leadership/management)

  • you are using command & control approach at your work and consider continue using it

  • you think that involving others early into collaborative group activities is a waste of energy & time

  • you think that achieving consensus is waste of energy & time

  • you think that complex problems can only be solved by lone super stars

Facilitation is a necessity to unleash group's potential (15 min)
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