Agile TEAM Coaching
Remote and off the grid
1 - Agile Coaching for top leaders
Choose this service if as a leadership team (C-level, top management team) you have had bad experience with Agile transition, transformation and change management. Resistance from people, frustration, chaos, etc.​​​
This service addresses the need to get along with Agile better than it was for you, your people and organization.
Service consists of a minimum of one group alignment session that requires a mandatory pre-work from your whole team and my analysis of that. At the end of the 1st session we agree if we proceed or not. If yes, then the number of sessions will depend on set goals. This service is offered in the best Agile practice - we move on based on evidence. No upfront expectations & promises.
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2 - Agile Coaching for Agile Coaches, Scrum Masters
Choose this service if you work as an Agile Coach or Scrum Master and you have challenges doing your work. Your mind is full, goes around in circles, feels like you are stuck and so on.​​​
This service addresses a need to share pains, struggles, get help, learn, be mentored or just have a buddy like me to talk things trough. This service is your context specific, we talk your world, not theory. Real problems. Solved. Together.
Service is a single session based. You book when you feel a need or if you feel you need a regular shoulder to lean on, subscription is possible too.
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3 - Agile Coaching for teams
Choose this service if as a working team you face issues with your productivity, efficiency, effectiveness, performance, agility. If you face issues with team's climate, customer feedback about your team, etc.
This service addresses a need to become a better team (better Agile Team). Team performance improvements, climate improvements, customer satisfaction improvements, agility improvements and so on.
Service is single session based and it starts with a retrospective kind of a group session or a thorough team assessment. If as a team you feel like you need a regular outside attention or so, subscription is possible too.
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4 - Agile Coaching renting
​This service addresses the need to have an Agile Coach (Agile Coaching). You have a possibility to rent me.
Service works depending on how we agree - part/full/other time.
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FAQ: In what industries can you help with Agile?
While Agile initially was applied and comes from computer software (IT) world, it has been successfully applied in many other fields (organizational development, marketing, HR, product development) in many industries. I can help you with Agile in nearly any industry. See next FAQ for more.
FAQ: What is your experience with Agile Coaching?
I have been working as a Scrum Master since 2013, then as an Agile Coach since 2017 in a single and multiple team setups in different industries. Scroll feedback page for more information.​
FAQ: What is your qualification regarding Agile Coaching?
I am a Certified Agile Coach (CAC) - Certified Team Coach (CTC) from Scrum Alliance. This is past working experience & Agile knoweldge validation kind of certificate that took me several years to obtain. It happened in June 2021. Read more about my qualification.
FAQ: What is Agile Coaching, afterall?
Agile Coaching in simple words is a way or process how to get Agile work. Not just doing Agile, but also being Agile.
Agile Coaching is a partnership process between an Agile Coach and usually quite many other people (client) like Professional Coaching just that in addition to client's world there is another one - an Agile world or Agile context described and bounded by 4 Agile values and 12 Agile principles. Therefore an Agile Coach has to use more than one hat (Coaching) to help a client understand that world (educating, mentoring, etc.) before client can set goals in it and getting Agile lived and done right.​​​​​​​​​
Above is in simple words and there is more behind. Please follow this link to learn more about Agile Coaching.
The "official" definition of Agile Coaching can be read here, but for me Agile Coaching is first of all a trust based relationship where we have a mutual belief that we can uncover better ways of collaborating and satisfying customers together.
Then it is a partnering kind of working where we each play our roles transparently and responsibly. We are always aware who we are and why we do what we do as we go through this Agile Coaching journey together.​​

FAQ: What is Agile, afterall?
​​​Agile in simple words is an approach to work or business where the number one priority is continuously uncovering better ways of increasing trust among ourselves and then customers. ​If an organization shares a high level of trust both internally and externally, then most likely it is already there. There is no need for more Agile with Agile Coaching and Agile Coach(es).
However, trust like many other human traits can be stated and real. Stated is what people think, say. Real is what they do and how they actually behave. For example, saying 'I trust you' and then asking every day how you are doing is not trusting, it's a form of control also known as micromanagement. Or if a customer says that she likes the product or service, but then leaves one star rating which means that there is a mistrust somewhere. And the same is true in teams - if team members think they trust each other, but when the problem appears, no one really cares - well, there is a problem with trust. So, in a way, there is always room for improvement of Agility.
The reason to move to Agile is to decrease the difference of stated vs real by working with everyone - management, employees, customers. And by working with everyone means paying attention to the trust thing at all levels in all directions at all times. In a way, do it continuously, in an Agile way.
The simplest way to do it that is in the hands of everyone, is free and does not require special knowledge is an act of inclusion. What does it mean? Inclusion means actually doing things together from the very start. For example, when a team needs to create a new feature, it would be wise to include the customer or user into the work as early as possible. This way, the trust has a higher chance to be real than just stay stated.
When trust starts increasing, many things become easier to do and achieve. The first thing that becomes easier is how we feel. We feel safer and it starts opening up a space for learning and learning is the key in Agile - it is at its core - uncovering better ways of doing what we are doing. So the chain is: inclusion → increases trust → makes us feel safer → makes learning more possible → a higher chance for Agile to thrive.
Agile is not primarily about practices, it is about thinking differently about how we do things. This Agile thinking like any other thinking is rooted into values. Learning these values and reflecting on them is a foundation.
As said, above is in simple words, there's more behind and therefore Agile Coach's first job is to make sure Agile world (context) is understood by people in charge thinking about Agile.
FAQ: When Agile Coaching services are not appropriate?
you are not fond of uncovering better ways of what you are doing
you are not ready to take responsibility for your own growth
you are not ready to invest time in reflecting, learning, challenging yourself & others
you are not ready to try new things, experiment